Tag Archives: relationship

Meaning of the word Time

Meaning of the word Time

The biggest question of the History, Yet experts and knowledgeable person describe as

“The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.”

And yet I will not deny the meaning but it need to be more specific, While I can say that we have reach far more civilization progress and yet it is still not definite that what do you mean by TIME. Which is one of the most important concept and all our life are dependent on it.

Well Below With a concept I will describe Time in a very simple Manner.





TT 1


Well Check the Image Above, Yes There a small box with 2 open ends and there are 2 more boxes in the Big Box.

Now the Concept here is defining a line

A – Which is the entry point of the Box Can also be defined as the start.

B – Which is the exit point of the Box also be defined as the end .

Now the event which need to be created, That means a person has to move from Starting of his relationship to his next decision .

TT 2.jpg

Check out the Figure above it has different paths in the manner A will meet B.

There will be 3 concept in this figure as mentioned below

  • Line AC + Line CB = Line AB
  • Line AC + Line CF + Line FG + Line GB = Line AB
  • Line AD + Line DE + Line EC + Line CB = Line AB

Now How is this possible, yes I will make you understand there are parallel worlds which move around us well there is a concept of it and will give you a clear Definition in my next Topic “The parallel World”

So Now We can Say that Time here is Line AB, In any concept you define the time it will always be the same verse AB.

Not an incident not an event not a projection of any past or any future, but its simple the span of line from A to B is know as time.

So I hope I am clear with my Definition of time, I hope you like it and if you have question feel free to write to me personally or leave a comment here.



Time Travel

Time Travel

Looks for everyone a two letter small word, But its far more deeper that we can or we will think in the near future.

Yes we all want to go ahead of time and check out what is the Future, out of the curiosity I want to know from each one of you what would it be if you would send ahead in time what will you all want to know.

I hope I would be having a long list of answers. Lets come to our main topic.

What is Time Travel and is it possible.

The jump of a body from the present to Past or Future is know as time travel.

Yes it is possible, But I cannot guarantee it physically where an object (It can be anything even a human body) can jump a scale of time or the concepts would lead to accelerate the human brain to check the glimpse of the future or the past ( Now in this situation There are far more possibilities of people can only see their Future or Past)

So there would be 2 concepts

  1. Personally visiting the past or the Future
  2. Virtually checking the glimpse of Past or the future.

Well Yes But Now the most important question arise is the meaning of the 2 words.

Meaning of the Word Time

Meaning of the World Travel

Meaning of the word Travel is simple and we all know that Moving from one place to another.

Now What is the meaning of the word TIME.

Here I will end the topic but In my next topic I will describe the Word Time.

General Depression Case Study 1

General Depression Case Study 1


The person was one of my close friends and he talks to me regularly.

Every time he talks his topics gets directed to the discussion about progress and success of others which leads him to a depressive state.

How does this happen ?

He is a student and studding subject of “Hotel Management” , as well he also described me that he has completed “Business Management” course. Now It all starts with this, When ever he reads or hears a progress story of any successful person he gets distracted. Like he heard a success story of a software developer in past 2 years he gets distracted to from his field of work and try to find a way in the field. Then he hears a story of success of a clothes seller who got into an online business and he got distracted. So he is not able to progress in the field which he is currently studding and the concentration is decreasing because of the focus which is carried away in other direction. But I would not say that the person should not check or look to the progress of other industry, But he should lean that he is related to one of the industry and he has to be with that relationship, So now he should understand how to maintain the relationship in the industry he feels progress. As if Software development and hotel industry … Well they can be related …. Question is “How” each hotel would require a management software and the person could lean the current software which is used and can update or work out with a team of software developers to create a new and a latest error free software which can be implemented. Talking about “How would u relate a cloths Industry to a Hotel Industry” … Yes It can its simple …. You can Study the uniform which is been provided to the staff and its costing and can work out to get the costing low which you can offer as well bed sheets, Pillow covers, Croutons, Table Cover etc there are several things and I know people who have made their fortune in doing this business.

Now the person should be explained that every Industry can lead a person to success, I will give you all an example.


We all have heard the term “Retail Chain”

It all started from a general store who thought to buy multiple shops so that he can increase profit.


  • Bulk Purchase – Purchase price reduction
  • Covering more areas – increases the number of customers or foot falls.

This was possible just because a person understood the concept of the field he is working in and indulged ideas.

Later the industry came up with a revolution of Franchisee concept in the retail chain, This was possible because an another person who studied the business completely and indulged himself in the field.

                Later there came up a concept of low price sale, Those retails spaces sold products cheaper than the market … This was the concept of a marking person which gave him a hype in his carrier.


Now understanding the concept, There was a problem with the people who ran their stores locally, Now there came up a person with a concept of idea like he use to drop card in the houses and apartments near his store with the info about call and order and we serve free home delivery and no minimum order requirement. His concept was clear that it wont be able to follow buy the retail chain as they would require minimum purchase or they would incur loss while the local store owners will have the benefit to target more customers near to their area, Soon the concept hit the market in a advance form as well it also affected the sale of the retail store. The concept of price reduction Vs Free home delivery”

Now let me come to the point .

So each an every industry has few week points, which a person can find and can implement the idea to make it to a new level of success for his Business or in the field he is working in.

I Explained the “victim” the above point which was missing from his mind. While I see others pressuring him to focus in the field without a reliable point.

You see human brain is an antique structure, You can make a person believe your concept using a specific reason for the term which you need to explain or giving him an example, Coz the pressure concept will effect the mental stability of focus of the person and may the person will move on a wrong track. So I would personally suggest people not to pressure, You should have a specific reason to make the victim understand the concept or else leave it to the experts in the field.


I hope the article was helpful. Feel free to drop me any questions if you have in mind regarding the article.




General Depression

Before starting the explanation I would like to note here is please don’t try the process of treatment by your self until you are not an expert or certified or else are willing to take the responsibility.

Depression is a kind of illness which not cured in a proper manner will return with a big influence and will not be able to handle by the victim and may cause him to take serious steps which may end his life too.


General Depression

                This is king of a common depression, and is seen in every person. I took this topic first because this the only depression which has phase 1 in it. This depression will never lead to 2nd or 3rd phase.

And each and every depression starts from process of general depression.

Yes we all suffer this illness very often, The question is “HOW” and “When”

Some times we feel a Blue mood, and don’t like to talk to any one. And when asked why are we in the mood. We cannot explain the reason to other and we use the statement “Well I don’t know why is my mood blue.” Or “May be something bad is going to happen “ but we all know that there is a specific reason for the sadness may be it is a thing, person, relationship etc and your wheels of questions and imagination leads you to a path of over thinking.

                What are the reactions of the victim.

Victim Type 1 : In this case the person like to be alone for some time coz he wants to rebuild the memory which makes him stronger to overcome the phase of depression or mood.

Note : In this case the person should be strong as if he or she does not succeed in making himself strong can have a cause of after effects of depression.


Victim Type 2 : In this case the person will try to be in company of few of the near one to over come the sadness.

Note : Here in this case the person would give new chances to relationship with an object or a person, But need to be very careful as the victim should not get too close and If the victim gets to close then the relationship should not be broken or else the effects can be really had to handle. This can bring the victim to a nervous breakdown, And would take a long time to heal.


Victim Type 3 : The victims of this case are much difficult to understand, as you will never see them in the blue mood. Their reactions are constant but they are feeling all the pain in their heart. So they need to be pressured to blow out all the sadness via anger or constant talking.

Note : These kind of people are silent and do not talk too much and they never disclose themselves. One should be at the stance that even if they deny they should always be kept under observation.


Victim Type 4 : The victim in this case are generally the patients of obesity, This is kind of disease caused due to over eating. They find their senses relaxed in eating spicy or sweet thinks and this is not a good start. The overeating should be controlled. Well in this case the victims are not capable of doing any harm to others or to himself as his body is always finding a safe structures to overcome sadness. The over eating should be controlled slowly for these patients.


Important Victim Type 5 :


This depression is also found in people who are always competing them self with others, or people who feel that others are always granted with what they are wishing. These kind of cases around you should be handled with care. They have always been cleared with the fact that because of their hard work they have achieved success, Thus due to this statement the victim will get more depressed and will lose its working skills and will just get frustrated.

Note : The victim should be encouraged with the work he did and should be explained that he will also get the same fruits he is still on the way to reach success. He should not be cleared that the effort he kept is not enough the explanation should be that he is still on the way to achieve success.


The best way to overcome this phase is to indulge yourself in an activity, go out for a party, Indulge yourself in work or best one is workout. If you are the victim and reading yourself to release the stress the persons strong and should try to keep himself busy. With the above activity.

If you are the person who’s friend or person near to him is been affected in the depression. Then Please donot mention the person about the article or his state of stress which he is in, As the victim will deny and would try to run away from you. Act as if you don’t know and try to do things which makes him happy.

                Eg : if he feel good when you take him out to a park or a Gym then you should make it a regular habit for a sometime till his internal stress is gone and he tries to share what exactly the reason. Never ask for the reason, Try to be close to the victim being a part of his daily routine and he himself will start talking to you.

I hope this article is helpful, Any query related to the article please feel free to contact me or ask questions. Thanks for reading the article.

Phases of Depression

Phases of Depression

There are 3 Phases of depression which can be defined in a simple manner, Here I will define it with an example too.

  • Initial Depression
  • Short term or partial Depression
  • Extensive Depression



E.G : We all know a relationship of a Mom and his son, In this case we consider that the son is close to mom and talk to her daily with a routine of 2 hours which is when the son is still in small age.


In the Initial Depression Stage, One day son tries to avoid talking to his mom, As he is tiered and goes to sleep at the time when they both talk regularly. In this case a stage study shows that the mom will have several questions about her son and would feel that something might be wrong, The question will not cover till she talks to her son on the same time tomorrow. This is a partial depression stage. When the routine is broken and the mom does not have any thing to do.

Under this circumstances Mom should have a let go feeling which can be easy for her to prevent entering the short term or partial Depression.

It his case happens when her son goes to an outing for a few days and she does not have any means of communication with her son. This makes her feel lonely and she things of millions of consequences which can be possible at the time when the son is out. Even a simple phone ring would frighten her as she would think what could have possible been wrong.

In the last case which is Extensive depression which is when her son leaves her for a long period of time and the communication is only possible for few minutes in a week. She has all the possibilities about the day and night.


Under the depression cases the victim is to be taken care of very carefully, The victim when kept in constant communication will forget for some time the related topic of stress and would keep her calm, But soon the communication is over the victim will again gets back to same state.


In the next step I will define the type of depression which are the major possibilities in details with few Examples. And with each type there are few of the ways which can help to cure the disorder of the mental state.

A/V convertable USB Device for Old TV

An Audio & Video convertible device with the input of USB or Mini SD Card and the output device is Audio & Video.

The Convertible device can be connected to any old TV, which can be used to play Audio or Video on any television with A/V mode. Which is available in all the basic TV’s .


Pros :

The use of the device will reduce the use of DVD & VCD players.

The device is portable and can be handy.

Will not require an external source of power.

Plug & Play compatible with all.


Cons :

Piracy can be a big issue.


The project is just under a descriptive stage, For more details of the project please feel free to contact us.


Focus of Work

Don’t work hard to be something, Work hard to make something ,

You automatically become something …..



It seems that we all have a dream and we are on the way to fulfil it, But there are several obstacles which we find during our career. But up to the point I feel that all the obstacles we find is because we all try to become what we are not.

A simple Example, An Executive who see’s his stylish Boss (Note: Stylish here does not mean fancy, But Smart amongst his category or field.) He tries to be like him. He copies his dressing sence, His actions, Speaking style etc but what exactly he does not copy is, His attitude towards his work.

No one shows him what he has to do today, He creates his own task for everyday. He works to grow the business and thus when business grows he will grow. I have seen many executive who are new to work or in a office gets a promotion in a short span than other old staff. Its just because their work and their attitude towards work. They work hard to grow the business not for their growth, This helps them to develop smart techniques to do work faster. Thus business grows and at the end company will also look for the growth of the employees. Where as the day when the person start’s thinking about his growth his performance will become week.

I hope you all like my suggestion .

Level 2 – Friendship

This is a sensitive point of relationship.


Now the first thing you have to make him or her understand that you are his / her friend. There are several relationships which gets separated after several years of marriage as they never were able to generate the bonding, Later they feel that their partners does not share with them and so they loose faith on each other and they get separated.

Under this stage, u have a chance to develop your bonding, So that your partner shares everything with you.

Here your question will be why do u need to share with each other?

Yes you need to do, As there will be some facts which will help you to come to a decision whether you need to continue or quit. And if u don’t do this you will repent at the later stage that you should have know this before.

Level 1 – When a Boy and a girl gets each other numbers.

Level 1 – When a Boy and a girl gets each other numbers.

Under this level you have to be very careful, This is a basic stage. Here you can only have a few lines to make your impression. Don’t ever try to stretch the topic. No need for any commitments or sharing your views now. Just try to develop or search for the bonding between each other.


Start with the greetings every day as this stage may take sometimes long enough to develop. Similarly show how you care, Respect others. Never involve or discuss any uneven discussions like “You had a Fight or You are frustrated ” Show your self to be a cool and a calm person. Sensitivity is a key to develop this stage successfully. Just try to grow ur communication. And make the partner feel you like to communicate.

In certain cases it happens that the other person will start asking questions about your life, carrier or family. Reply just in simple few like and let the topic be un answered. Make the person more curious. During this stage you can check the persons patients and guts where the other stands.

As I said before the stages may differ so act as per the situation.


Relationship and its refraction

The refraction, This is a term of science, I think you remember about refraction of light. When light enters a new medium a slight angle is formed. This is an Image.

Light refraction Image

Now same thing happens in a relationship, The graph is divided in positive side and negative side of the relationship. Check the Image below.

Relationship refraction Image

I will make you all understand the ream with reference to the Image.

Description of the Image :

1)      The Vertical line in the Image defines the relationship status.

2)      The horizontal lines are different stages when we start the next level of our communication.

Eg : First time we communicate on messages when we got each other numbers, And when we move this unnamed relationship to the first step Friendship.

3)      Looking at the image The right side is Positive and the left side is negative.


There are different levels in which the relationship starts they are as mentioned below :

Level 1 – When a Boy and a girl gets each other numbers.

Level 2 – Friendship

Level 3 – Family & Facts

Level – 4 Meeting

Level 5 – Final merge up

I will define each level in different post individually.

The definition of article my vary to the relationship status you have currently. If any queries please feel free to ask me.