Tag Archives: English language

Time Travel

Time Travel

Looks for everyone a two letter small word, But its far more deeper that we can or we will think in the near future.

Yes we all want to go ahead of time and check out what is the Future, out of the curiosity I want to know from each one of you what would it be if you would send ahead in time what will you all want to know.

I hope I would be having a long list of answers. Lets come to our main topic.

What is Time Travel and is it possible.

The jump of a body from the present to Past or Future is know as time travel.

Yes it is possible, But I cannot guarantee it physically where an object (It can be anything even a human body) can jump a scale of time or the concepts would lead to accelerate the human brain to check the glimpse of the future or the past ( Now in this situation There are far more possibilities of people can only see their Future or Past)

So there would be 2 concepts

  1. Personally visiting the past or the Future
  2. Virtually checking the glimpse of Past or the future.

Well Yes But Now the most important question arise is the meaning of the 2 words.

Meaning of the Word Time

Meaning of the World Travel

Meaning of the word Travel is simple and we all know that Moving from one place to another.

Now What is the meaning of the word TIME.

Here I will end the topic but In my next topic I will describe the Word Time.

Book Profile

The course is to define basic English language within 15 day’s .


If you are learning by your own self you should know the Alphabets of English language,

“A , B , C …….. Z”

And you can make words or read a sentence.

OR you can understand this complete course under a professional guidance person.


The part of the course can help you to do following things :

  • Making of sentence
  • Basic communication skills


Any language is simple but it mostly concerns us or bothers us to lean a new language is because it is not in a regular use. For each of their countries you can learn their language if you look forward to communicate and appreciate yourself to learn it.


After the course you need to keep a routine in which you would use the language everyday for 5 mints.

After this statement I get a question from all my students Sir its almost impossinble for me to do that, Because I don’t have a single person in my home to do so, Or If I try to use it in my circle they will not understand and make fun of me.

A simple things is buy an English newspaper once a week and a dictionary, and every day read 1 page and if you don’t understand a meaning of the word use the dictionary to understand the meaning.

This will help you to polish your skills regularly, as well lean new words.


I hope the course will help several people to work.


I feel like communicating with someone does will never help you to brush your skills, As you will always have limitations over it. As you will only use words which are limited to the knowledge of each person. No new words will come in interaction. But in place of that if you read news papers, Watch English TV shows or Movies it will help you to learn new words. Which you will try to communicate regularly.

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The materials or content of this book are not copied from any other references, It is the sole work of the writer. The Materials or book should not be shared or distributed without the writers permission. The writer holds all the rights.