Category Archives: Case Study

All cases related to general depression.

General Depression Case Study 1

General Depression Case Study 1


The person was one of my close friends and he talks to me regularly.

Every time he talks his topics gets directed to the discussion about progress and success of others which leads him to a depressive state.

How does this happen ?

He is a student and studding subject of “Hotel Management” , as well he also described me that he has completed “Business Management” course. Now It all starts with this, When ever he reads or hears a progress story of any successful person he gets distracted. Like he heard a success story of a software developer in past 2 years he gets distracted to from his field of work and try to find a way in the field. Then he hears a story of success of a clothes seller who got into an online business and he got distracted. So he is not able to progress in the field which he is currently studding and the concentration is decreasing because of the focus which is carried away in other direction. But I would not say that the person should not check or look to the progress of other industry, But he should lean that he is related to one of the industry and he has to be with that relationship, So now he should understand how to maintain the relationship in the industry he feels progress. As if Software development and hotel industry … Well they can be related …. Question is “How” each hotel would require a management software and the person could lean the current software which is used and can update or work out with a team of software developers to create a new and a latest error free software which can be implemented. Talking about “How would u relate a cloths Industry to a Hotel Industry” … Yes It can its simple …. You can Study the uniform which is been provided to the staff and its costing and can work out to get the costing low which you can offer as well bed sheets, Pillow covers, Croutons, Table Cover etc there are several things and I know people who have made their fortune in doing this business.

Now the person should be explained that every Industry can lead a person to success, I will give you all an example.


We all have heard the term “Retail Chain”

It all started from a general store who thought to buy multiple shops so that he can increase profit.


  • Bulk Purchase – Purchase price reduction
  • Covering more areas – increases the number of customers or foot falls.

This was possible just because a person understood the concept of the field he is working in and indulged ideas.

Later the industry came up with a revolution of Franchisee concept in the retail chain, This was possible because an another person who studied the business completely and indulged himself in the field.

                Later there came up a concept of low price sale, Those retails spaces sold products cheaper than the market … This was the concept of a marking person which gave him a hype in his carrier.


Now understanding the concept, There was a problem with the people who ran their stores locally, Now there came up a person with a concept of idea like he use to drop card in the houses and apartments near his store with the info about call and order and we serve free home delivery and no minimum order requirement. His concept was clear that it wont be able to follow buy the retail chain as they would require minimum purchase or they would incur loss while the local store owners will have the benefit to target more customers near to their area, Soon the concept hit the market in a advance form as well it also affected the sale of the retail store. The concept of price reduction Vs Free home delivery”

Now let me come to the point .

So each an every industry has few week points, which a person can find and can implement the idea to make it to a new level of success for his Business or in the field he is working in.

I Explained the “victim” the above point which was missing from his mind. While I see others pressuring him to focus in the field without a reliable point.

You see human brain is an antique structure, You can make a person believe your concept using a specific reason for the term which you need to explain or giving him an example, Coz the pressure concept will effect the mental stability of focus of the person and may the person will move on a wrong track. So I would personally suggest people not to pressure, You should have a specific reason to make the victim understand the concept or else leave it to the experts in the field.


I hope the article was helpful. Feel free to drop me any questions if you have in mind regarding the article.

